Tradies Health Month

Here at MC Labour, the health of our workers is very important to us. August is Tradies National Health Month, initiated by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA). MC Labour is raising awareness of the risks posed to those who work in trade occupations; individuals, families, employers, and the wider community. Normally, the focus for this month is purely on physical health, focusing on how highlighting physiotherapy can help workers. However, this year we have chosen to highlight not only physical health, but the many different areas that we know affect the health of our workforce including; nutrition and hydration, sleep and relaxation, and the importance of avoiding burnout. Whether you are working on the site or working around the house, maintaining good health is very important.

This National Tradies Health Month, our motto is that looking after yourself is a strength. Our aim is to erase the stigma within our industry around self-care; physically and mentally.

With the help of the Director of High Performance at Carlton Football Club, Andrew Russell, and the Carlton Football Club dietitian, Sarah Jenner, we will be sending out videos to our workers which provide insights into four health topics. The four videos will encompass tips and information on sleep, stress, exercise, and nutrition. Keep an eye on your emails for these informative videos across the month.

Why is raising awareness around tradies health so important?

While we’ve seen improvements, Australia’s trade industry continues to have among the highest health and safety issues of any sector. Time off work due to poor health and injury has a significant impact on families, businesses, and communities. This impact will grow if we don’t take steps to change behavior.

According to Safe Work Australia, our trade industry accounts for 58 percent of serious claims for worker’s compensation, yet makes up less than one-third of Australia’s workforce.

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