Introducing Advance Services by MC Labour Group

Wrap-around support for people facing barriers to employment in construction

We are thrilled to unveil a significant stride in our commitment to social impact: the launch of Advance Services, a dedicated arm of MC Labour Group focused on social procurement initiatives.

Advance Services is a testament to our ongoing dedication to fostering social inclusion and diversity within the construction industry. At MC Labour Group, our mission extends beyond employment; we aim to cultivate meaningful pathways that empower individuals and enrich communities.

Our commitment with Advance Services is clear: to support the advancement of job seekers who face barriers to employment, facilitating their integration into the construction and related industries. We endeavour to forge a more inclusive workforce landscape by dismantling systemic barriers and amplifying underrepresented voices.

“For nearly thirty years, MC Labour Group has provided employment opportunities and support to communities who face barriers to employment across Victoria. Through our engagement with these communities, we’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of meaningful employment and sustained support”

Marc Lunedei, Managing Director MC Labour

As businesses seek to strengthen their social impact, the imperative to cultivate a diverse workplace becomes ever more pressing. At Advance Services, we stand poised to collaborate with businesses to actualise this vision.

At Advance Services, we firmly believe in facilitating access to fulfilling careers, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to realise their fullest potential. Whether it’s supplying skilled labour to civil, residential, or commercial projects across Victoria, our commitment to excellence remains persistent. By providing not just jobs, but meaningful work, we catalyse transformative change in the lives of our workers and the communities they call home.

We adopt a holistic approach to empowerment, offering comprehensive upskilling initiatives and robust mentoring support programs. From job readiness training to on-site assistance and access to broader community support services, we are dedicated to nurturing career trajectories and fostering sustainable growth.

In partnering with us, you can expect:

  • Provision of suitably trained and job-ready workers
  • Ongoing upskilling and training of work ready workers
  • Cultivation of safe and inclusive working environments
  • Deployment of culturally sensitive approaches
  • Promotion of wider community involvement, reducing stigmatisation
  • Ongoing workforce support and seamless integration

Our Model of Practice

At Advance Services, we employ a holistic, strength-based, trauma-informed framework to empower our workers. Our mentorship support program offers job readiness training, on-site mentor support, access to community services, and career transition planning.

Holistic Support

Recognising the complex barriers our workers may face, we offer flexible, adaptive, and culturally sensitive approaches to address their needs. Our inclusive working environment prioritises every individual’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, ensuring they feel valued and respected.

Community Partnerships

Community partners play a crucial role in our ecosystem, identifying potential candidates and providing ongoing work-life support as needed. Together, we strive to create a more inclusive and supportive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Partnerships for Success

We collaborate with leading specialised registered training providers to ensure effective transitional pathways for all our worker participants. Our commitment to creating meaningful work opportunities drives us to continuously enhance our programs and services, aligning them with current industry demands.

Community Integration

We believe in reducing stigmatisation by fostering whole community involvement. By partnering with external stakeholders and community partners, we create a supportive ecosystem where workers feel accepted and empowered to participate fully in society.

Guiding Principles

Our guiding principles revolve around creating a lasting positive impact on people’s lives through work. We are dedicated to understanding and supporting each worker’s goals and employment aspirations, building consistent relationships based on mutual respect and leveraging individual strengths.

Continuous Growth

Our commitment to workplace integration and continuous support is uncompromising. We offer workplace cultural awareness training to our clients, promoting an environment of diversity, respect, collaboration, and teamwork. Additionally, workers receive individualised development plans with regular reviews, supporting their continuous learning and professional growth.

We partner with our community

We forge strategic partnerships with businesses that share our commitment to prioritising social impact in their operations. By collaborating directly with social procurement agencies, such as Multicultural Consulting, Assembled Threads, and Fruit to Work, we source goods and services from certified social enterprises, First Nation-owned businesses, and disability enterprises. These alliances enable us to collectively advance toward a more sustainable future.


Contact Us

We welcome the opportunity to participate in and forge enduring partnerships grounded in shared values and a mutual commitment to social progress.
We invite you to embark on this journey with us.

Let’s collaborate to break down barriers, unlock potential, and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all Victorians.

Jonathan Mitchell
Social Inclusion Manager
2 Scholar Drive
Bundoora VIC 3083
T 03 9661 0500
M 0477 501 150

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