COVID-19 Update (VIC)
Dear Employee,
As communicated by the Victorian Premier today, Victoria is now in a State of Emergency from noon today for 4 weeks.
Following on from our previous email regarding the Coronavirus COVID-19, MC Labour would like to provide the following guidelines for employees to follow:
MC Labour & Government Recommendations
a. As directed by the Prime Minister, Employees who have returned from overseas travel, or have had direct contact with an individual that has been diagnosed with COVID-19, then:
- Employees are to self-isolate for 14 days and are required to seek urgent medical attention if they display symptoms.
- Do not attend site and make yourself known to the Operations Team immediately.
b. If experiencing general illness unrelated to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) normal leave entitlements will apply. Eg. Stomach ache
Critical Hygiene Procedures
Self-Hygiene is critical, therefore, we strongly recommend the following actions:
- Regular washing of hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Regular cleaning of ‘high touch’ surfaces such as toolboxes, lunch tables, door handles, shared tools and the like with disinfectant
- When coughing and sneezing, please cover your mouth with hand/elbow and sanitize immediately
- Try to avoid unnecessary close contact with others (e.g. shaking hands and obvious physical contact)
Latest News
As this situation evolves, we will keep you updated. For more information, visit the Australian Government and Victorian State Government websites. Should you require further information to contact the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 which is operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Should you wish to speak to someone from the Operations Team, please call 1300 10 12 14 or contact Brad McNiven, employee health and safety representative on 0402 741 713.
Kind regards
MC Labour